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Monopsis lutea

Monopsis lutea

Monopsis lutea is a wetland groundcover plant with yellow flowers.

Categories: , , , Product ID: 61703


Botanical name: Monopsis lutea (L.) Urb. Synonyms: Lobelia lutea (basionyme), Lobelia breynii, L. ericoides, Monopsis arenaria, Dortmanna lutea, Parastranthus luteus, Rapuntium luteum, etc. Family: Lobeliaceae or Campanulaceae Origin: South Africa, from Grootwinterhoek Mountains to Humansdorp in sandy, moist soils. Common name: yellow monopsis Hardiness: -6°C ? UICN Red List: LC, Least Concern Monopsis lutea is a ground-cover plant that thrives in moist, well-drained soil in sun or part-shade, growing no taller than 25 cm when in bloom. Soil can be sandy, clayey or loamy. Stems elongate and root at the nodes if they touch the ground. Flowers appear in summer. For further information: http://pza.sanbi.org/monopsis-lutea