Le jardin exotique & botanique de Roscoff, un site classé Jardin Remarquable
Lieu-dit Roc'h Hievec, 29680 Roscoff
02 98 61 29 19 grapes[at]wanadoo.fr

Kniphofia drepanophylla

Kniphofia drepanophylla

Kniphofia drepanophylla is a hardy perennial with yellow flowers.

Categories: , , Product ID: 61720


Botanical name: Kniphofia drepanophylla Baker Synonyms: none Family: Asphodelaceae Origin: South Africa, Pondoland-Ugu Sandstone Coastal Sourveld Common name: Saton’s buffalo Hardiness: -4°C ? IUCN Red List: Vulnerable, known from 6 to 10 localities. habitat degradation due to overgrazing, cattle trampling and fires. It survives well in the Mkambati nature reserve.

CCVS Collection

Kniphofia drepanophylla is a small perennial (approx. 50-70 cm tall at flowering) with yellow flowers. For further information: http://redlist.sanbi.org/species.php?species=2207-16